Friday, December 21, 2012

Phaser- Day 9- Nearly Complete!!!

Today I got all of the few remaining components replaced from last time and now I fixed some of the small alignment issues that I had from last class. This was a difficult project for me to do because it required me to use all of my skills when I hadn't used some of them since the start of the semester. The last remaining step is to color everything for the final render and make sure it all looks well put together. So here is the final un-colored phaser.
Above is the clean version and below is some areas that need coloring to look proper.
As you can see in some places as circled in red, these are areas that look weird because it is the same color objects that will look much better when it is finally colored.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Phaser Day 8- Nearly Complete

Today I finished all of the main components of the Phaser. Now all that remains is for me to add in a few small dials and knobs and such for me to be able to get the final editing and refining done. After all of the pieces are made I'll make sure it looks neat and then smooth everything up to it's standards. And last will be to color the final product and render it. So here is today's image of nearly everything completed.
Now granted it looks a bit awkward around the main body and it looks bland but it will be much better once it's colored and all corrected.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Phaser- Day 7

Today I completed the point of the phaser, this was a bit easier than I was making it seem to be with several simple extrusions instead of many shapes all trying to be put next to each other just wasn't smooth at all and became very choppy looking. So here is the final image for today's work.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Little Extra Fun

Here is a animated GIF image sequence I made of 26 images of me making a stick figure in the paint program. So here it is!

Phaser- Day 6

Day 6: Today I worked on my phaser more and I discovered a few things and tips about basic 3D editing with Maya, these skills will help me as I move forward with my skills in 3D editing. I believe that most of these skills are going to benefit my project as I continue to move forward with my final project: The Phaser. Today I worked on the tip of the Phaser and getting that part completed which isn't hard to do but takes some time to place everything into it's correct place and dimensional plane. So here is a screen shot of what I completed today.
This is x-ray view so that you can see all of the completed components. Please note that the green object is a camera and will not be visible in the final render.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Quiz Assignment

I was absent from last class and so I missed the quiz that we had on a new program called Apophysis. I began to make up the work that I missed from last class by getting the file downloaded and then experimenting with many different things to get myself familiar with all of the settings of this application.
The program is meant for rendering 'Flames' which are render-able images that you will often find in cool background images for your computer desktop. The key features of this program are allowing you to choose from different flames and change their image color and then render it to your preference. The software works by taking some shapes and changing their orientation and color to provide you with a new looking image that can be used for many different purposes. I would use it to create a creative background image to use on my desktop. Here are a few experimental images that I've created.
I also worked for a while on my phaser that I've been working on for the past week or two. And this is going well for me as it is making more sense as I struggle through it and use knowledge from previous assignments and projects.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Phaser- Day 5 (Approximately)

Today I have been working on the phaser more and today I discovered a error that I had made on the other side of my phaser, the side facing the image was slightly dis-formed so to resolve this I took the whole shape and copied one side of it to get the good side mirrored to the other. So I added a few more small details that I needed and was missing. So here is today's image.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Three Point Perspective GIF-Completed

Today I set up a full GIF image which works like a power-point slide show by moving the slides automatically and each of the images has a set time that it is displayed for. This is better because it will show all of the images in one place over a few seconds. This was a easy set up to ensure that the images are set up in the proper order. Here is my GIF.

Here is my automatic scrolling images. With the main images showing for two seconds and the Three- Point perspective for 5 seconds since it is my final project render.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finished Light Project

Today I completed the lamp project which was yet another easy project that doesn't require much skill at all but a little bit of patience. This was mostly just adjusting lights and cameras in a already made model of a desk and a lamp. Here is a picture of my completed work from today.

Today I got some work done on the phaser but I'm still trying to figure out how to make the majority of the objects I need for this project. I worked on the back part of the phaser behind the power selector/ battery component and it didn't work out so I deleted it. Hopefully it will get easier as I continue to work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Three Point Lighting- Background Lights- Complete

Today, I used a part of maya to render a picture into the background of the rest of my shape that i've previously made. Here are multiple different background for each picture.
This is a copper view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Ceramic view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Chrome view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Frosted Glass view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Stained Metal view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Translucent Plastic view of the shape that I've made.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Phaser- Day 4

Today I had a little trouble lining up the pictures so that I could get a accurate model of the phaser, I may just end up doing it without the background images to test my abilities since the pictures won't rotate like I need them to. So today I got the dials on the back done and the top parts of the gun for what looks like a ventilation shaft.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Phaser- Day 3

Today I was very confused as to how to change and rotate images in the plane of maya. It wouldn't allow me to move it alone the X or the Y axis either. So I decided to continue watching the Phaser project videos as best as I could so that I would know what to do when I finally get maya working.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Phaser Day 2

 Today I have found a second image to use for a top down refrence but I am still working on getting the battery pack/ power setting part of the phaser done. I am not a star trek fan so I don't know exactly what each part is so it will be slightly harder to model it not knowing what each part is or it's function.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Phaser- Day 1

Today I have started to work on the phaser project, before I had watched the first video to get a idea of what I had to do later on. Now that I've completed the first episode, I began to work on my first part of the phaser, I had to find a few pictures that were used in the 3d buzz modeling program so that I could model it correctly. Here is the little that I've accomplished today.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Three Point Perspective- Day 2- COMPLETE

Three Point Perspective- Day 2
Today I have finished and refined all three of the lights, Key, Fill, and Rim. This was slightly difficult because of all the times I had to choose the drop off and angles to get it correct was nothing more than trial and error. I finished with three different pictures each with a different amount of lights in them. Here is a picture of only one point perspective with one light.
 This is my one point perspective, granted it is a little dark but it was hard to make it bright and not get a distinct line of the spotlight's shape.
This is my two point perspective and it was much brighter but had a little issue with seeing the lights in the background.
This was my three point perspective and the only visible difference here is the back light adds a certain highlight to the outside edges of the shape.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Point Perspective-Day 1

One Point Perspective
Today I began a project called "One Point Perspective" which is a combination of lighting and rendering skills that are being put to the test. This seems like a easy project for me to do because it doesn't require much skill or art work to complete. This project should easily be complete by the next class. This is a picture of a render with only one light the Key Light. Next I will introduce the Fill Light and the Back Light.

Friday, October 26, 2012


During the past two class periods I have been experimenting with the new motion tracking technology called Kinect Integrate Technology. This will let you track your basic skeletal movements and will record them for playback, allowing to make short movie scenes if needed. This will allow for people with a low budget to do some things that would regularly cost a large fortune just for the technology needed to preform these tasks. Here is a screen shot of the skeletal movements:
This is actually me in my skeletal form and is my movements that are followed in the orange blur movement and the rest is a very basic form of my skeleton. I am currently attempting to figure out how to make it so that we can record two bodies at one time to be displayed in the same frame. This will take some time to figure out how to do.

Monday, October 22, 2012


This is a project where we took several extruded edges from a cube and made them go in many different directions. This was a easy project because it didn't require much work at all to do or complete. This was a very short timed project. Here is a picture of my completed project.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Phaser Preparation Phase

Today I began watching the Phaser videos so I can learn how to make the phaser. So far this is going to be only so I get an idea of what i'm modeling and how to do it. So here is a screenshot of the video just showing that i'm preparing for the next project.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Today I completed a Orange project where we had to color and assign a texture to the given orange. This was a easy project because it didn't require much work except for coloring the orange to a orange color. And to assign a material to it so it would have the texture of the orange. Here is a slightly pixilated picture of the completed orange.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apple- Day 2- COMPLETED!

Today I've completed a apple rendering and this was one of the easiest of the projects that I've done. Here is a picture of the apple below. This was such an easy project because it was nothing more than changing many settings and attributes in Maya. I hope most of the projects that we do this semester are as simple or comprehensible as this one. This actually looks like a real apple to me and not something that can be made to look close to it but almost exact.

Made By: Eric

Monday, October 8, 2012

Apple- Day 1

Today I've started a new project with an apple that i have to color. So far this project will be very easy because it is simply rearranging the colors of the preassembled project. Here is a picture of the project so far.

Completed Helmet

Early on today I completed the helmet after attempting to get this program at my house but not being able to,  i was able to complete the helmet today by correcting a few small errors that i've made from the last few days. I am going to move on to the next project, here is the picture.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Helmet Day 5

Today I've started to make it so that the helmet can be merged with the mouth guard on my helmet. This requires adjusting the shapes so that they will fit together correctly and they would not have any faults. The following image is a screen shot of today's work and I've made it so that all of the edges near the inside are bent inwards to better fit the mouth guard.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today we learned that every object has a bevel. We learned how to use the offset tool to control how much the object is offset and beveled. So this project is a very easy and fast one that doesn't require much skill to do. This was the fastest project i've done and hopefully will remain the easiest and be a good experience to use later. Here is a picture of my first objects that are selected to show the edges.
Here is a second picture with the objects rounded to show the curves of the object.
Here is a new project where I created only four objects and made them beveled in only selected areas.
Here is a second screen shot showing the images without being selected.
This project overall was a very good learning experience with very little confusion or difficulty.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Helmet- Day 4

Today, I've started the helmet mouth guard area. This is made up of several different parts of a extruded shape that has been repeated over and over to create this shape. This shape will eventually be bridged to the helmet into one large part and then applied together. Here is a screen shot of today's work. Hopefully everything will fit together properly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Helmet Day 3-Complications

Today I realized that I had messed up majorly last time by accidentally skipping a few steps that were not very obvious to me. So today I decided to completely restart the project considering that I wasn't too far into it at the time. So when I restarted I noticed the steps that I had previously skipped. I redid these steps and although it didn't seem to make much of a difference at the time i'm sure that it will pay off. This is written from Eric. And so here is a picture of my final work that I've completed today. Hopefully the project will be easier as I continue to learn the program. I am working on reconstruction of the project.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Helmet Day 2

Helmet- Day 2
Here is the back view of my helmet that i've begun, it will take a while to learn that every small movement will effect the whole outcome of the object. The hardest part is going to be to learn to control the small movements. The coolest thing about this project will be seeing the final projects completed. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Helmet- Work In Progress

Today, I've been working on a helmet that I think will take me a bit of time because it has many details that need to be completed and will require a lot of work and will be very time consuming. But here is the current result of my work.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

FINISHED Eggholder

This is my finished cup and or eggholder that I've created. I liked how it looks very realistic and life like however, I didn't like how precise I had to be in order to make the curve and all parts of it fit perfectly, this was the hardest part of this project.


This is a picture of my recently completed Temple. The hardest part of this project for me was to find the correct placement for each of the columns and finding where they go and what they are meant to look like. This is the coolest structure I've built yet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FINISHED Salt Shaker

Today, September 11, 2012, I have created a SaltShaker in the computer animation program known as Autodesk's Maya. This Program will let you make most any shape that you can imagine. Here is a picture of the SaltShaker that I've made. There was no particuarly difficult part about this project.

Friday, September 7, 2012

FINISHED Egghead And Holder

Today I've completed a Egghead with a facial design and placed it inside of my custom eggholder. Here are the pictures. The hardest part of the project that I did was finding the right fit for the facial expressions. Making it look as human like as possible was quite difficult. However, this is one of my favorite projects I've completed.