Thursday, November 29, 2012

Finished Light Project

Today I completed the lamp project which was yet another easy project that doesn't require much skill at all but a little bit of patience. This was mostly just adjusting lights and cameras in a already made model of a desk and a lamp. Here is a picture of my completed work from today.

Today I got some work done on the phaser but I'm still trying to figure out how to make the majority of the objects I need for this project. I worked on the back part of the phaser behind the power selector/ battery component and it didn't work out so I deleted it. Hopefully it will get easier as I continue to work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Three Point Lighting- Background Lights- Complete

Today, I used a part of maya to render a picture into the background of the rest of my shape that i've previously made. Here are multiple different background for each picture.
This is a copper view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Ceramic view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Chrome view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Frosted Glass view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Stained Metal view of the shape that I've made.

This is a Translucent Plastic view of the shape that I've made.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Phaser- Day 4

Today I had a little trouble lining up the pictures so that I could get a accurate model of the phaser, I may just end up doing it without the background images to test my abilities since the pictures won't rotate like I need them to. So today I got the dials on the back done and the top parts of the gun for what looks like a ventilation shaft.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Phaser- Day 3

Today I was very confused as to how to change and rotate images in the plane of maya. It wouldn't allow me to move it alone the X or the Y axis either. So I decided to continue watching the Phaser project videos as best as I could so that I would know what to do when I finally get maya working.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Phaser Day 2

 Today I have found a second image to use for a top down refrence but I am still working on getting the battery pack/ power setting part of the phaser done. I am not a star trek fan so I don't know exactly what each part is so it will be slightly harder to model it not knowing what each part is or it's function.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Phaser- Day 1

Today I have started to work on the phaser project, before I had watched the first video to get a idea of what I had to do later on. Now that I've completed the first episode, I began to work on my first part of the phaser, I had to find a few pictures that were used in the 3d buzz modeling program so that I could model it correctly. Here is the little that I've accomplished today.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Three Point Perspective- Day 2- COMPLETE

Three Point Perspective- Day 2
Today I have finished and refined all three of the lights, Key, Fill, and Rim. This was slightly difficult because of all the times I had to choose the drop off and angles to get it correct was nothing more than trial and error. I finished with three different pictures each with a different amount of lights in them. Here is a picture of only one point perspective with one light.
 This is my one point perspective, granted it is a little dark but it was hard to make it bright and not get a distinct line of the spotlight's shape.
This is my two point perspective and it was much brighter but had a little issue with seeing the lights in the background.
This was my three point perspective and the only visible difference here is the back light adds a certain highlight to the outside edges of the shape.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Point Perspective-Day 1

One Point Perspective
Today I began a project called "One Point Perspective" which is a combination of lighting and rendering skills that are being put to the test. This seems like a easy project for me to do because it doesn't require much skill or art work to complete. This project should easily be complete by the next class. This is a picture of a render with only one light the Key Light. Next I will introduce the Fill Light and the Back Light.