Friday, September 28, 2012

Helmet- Day 4

Today, I've started the helmet mouth guard area. This is made up of several different parts of a extruded shape that has been repeated over and over to create this shape. This shape will eventually be bridged to the helmet into one large part and then applied together. Here is a screen shot of today's work. Hopefully everything will fit together properly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Helmet Day 3-Complications

Today I realized that I had messed up majorly last time by accidentally skipping a few steps that were not very obvious to me. So today I decided to completely restart the project considering that I wasn't too far into it at the time. So when I restarted I noticed the steps that I had previously skipped. I redid these steps and although it didn't seem to make much of a difference at the time i'm sure that it will pay off. This is written from Eric. And so here is a picture of my final work that I've completed today. Hopefully the project will be easier as I continue to learn the program. I am working on reconstruction of the project.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Helmet Day 2

Helmet- Day 2
Here is the back view of my helmet that i've begun, it will take a while to learn that every small movement will effect the whole outcome of the object. The hardest part is going to be to learn to control the small movements. The coolest thing about this project will be seeing the final projects completed. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Helmet- Work In Progress

Today, I've been working on a helmet that I think will take me a bit of time because it has many details that need to be completed and will require a lot of work and will be very time consuming. But here is the current result of my work.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

FINISHED Eggholder

This is my finished cup and or eggholder that I've created. I liked how it looks very realistic and life like however, I didn't like how precise I had to be in order to make the curve and all parts of it fit perfectly, this was the hardest part of this project.


This is a picture of my recently completed Temple. The hardest part of this project for me was to find the correct placement for each of the columns and finding where they go and what they are meant to look like. This is the coolest structure I've built yet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FINISHED Salt Shaker

Today, September 11, 2012, I have created a SaltShaker in the computer animation program known as Autodesk's Maya. This Program will let you make most any shape that you can imagine. Here is a picture of the SaltShaker that I've made. There was no particuarly difficult part about this project.

Friday, September 7, 2012

FINISHED Egghead And Holder

Today I've completed a Egghead with a facial design and placed it inside of my custom eggholder. Here are the pictures. The hardest part of the project that I did was finding the right fit for the facial expressions. Making it look as human like as possible was quite difficult. However, this is one of my favorite projects I've completed.